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What is in My Bag?

Erin Thompson

We’re back with another “What’s in my bag?”! This week, we wanted to show off some of our bag essentials. Life can get really busy sometimes, so having your hands free with the Woodlawn can make it easy to work and play. Thanks to the sewn in wallet, there is more space in your bag for other must haves, like the ones we have listed below.


S’well bottle: We use our small S’well for tea and coffee, the medium bottle for water, and the large for wine, of course.

Sunglasses: We love Quay Australia because they’re stylish, yet inexpensive. We can’t leave home without a pair of sunglasses.

Perfume: ‘Lipstick On’ by Replica is one of our favorites from this collection. It is the perfect scent for a date night. Just keep it in your Woodlawn and you’ll be ready for a casual night out!

Notebook: We keep a notebook with us so we can keep track of events, phone numbers, and special moments that occur throughout the day.

Birchbox: Birchbox is great because it gives us a change to try out new beauty products every month. In the box itself, we store some makeup and other small items.

What are your must haves?

What's In My Bag?

Erin Thompson

Perfect for traveling and for day to day activities, the Woodland works as the perfect on-the-go bag. We have come up with a “what’s in my bag” to show you what we put in our bags. This specific edition of what’s in my bag is our travel edition.

A notebook: You never want to forget the wonderful memories you’ll have on your vacay. Ours is from Anthropologie and we wouldn’t be caught without it!

Sunglasses: because squinting causes wrinkles.

Toiletry bag: long haul flights can easily turn in to a mini spa day. Flying can really dry out skin, so always make sure to moisturize and refresh with Herbivore Rose Hibiscus Hydrating Face Mist during the flight. We also bring under eye masks, lip balm, and perfume to keep us feeling fresh while in the air.

Phone and laptop: if you didn’t post any photos, did you even go at all?

Passport: a ticket around the world.

What do you keep in your Woodlawn?

Showroom Tour

Erin Thompson

A great showroom inspires a team while also providing a space comfortable enough to let creativity flow. Our newly designed space does just that. With unassuming shelves and a navy blue floor to add a touch of color, the showroom is the perfect place for ELT collective to grow. An environment with lots of natural light and greenery, the showroom is welcoming to all who enter. Just like the Woodland, the area is simple and fresh with just a hint of edginess that makes it a fun place to work.

The showroom shares a space with ELT collective’s owner and designer Erin Leigh Thompson’s father’s music studio. Located in the busy 12 South neighborhood, ELT collective is situated right in the beating heart of Music City.

ELT collective available for shopping by appointment only. Please contact

We’ve got some great photos to share of our new showroom. Take a look below.