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We're in Nashville Lifestyles' June Issue!

Erin Thompson

The Norma Jean in taupe

ELT collective is lucky enough to be featured in Nashville Lifestyles' June issue! The article highlights ELT’s owner and designer, Erin Leigh Thompson, and her path to creating her own brand. Thompson discusses her love for Nashville and why it is the perfect city to build her growing company. Thompson also talks about why she love leather goods, her inspiration, and her plans for ELT collective's future.

Nashville Lifestyles is a local magazine that shares some of Nashville’s favorite things, and we’re so happy to be one of them! We want to give a big thank you to Emily Davidson Nemoy and everyone else at Nashville Lifestyles for the wonderful article and to Ashtin Paige for the beautiful photos!

Check out the article and some of the photos featured in the magazine below.


Erin in the showroom with Tucker

Erin in the showroom with Tucker

The Norma Jean, the Woodland, and the Division Circle

The Norma Jean, the Woodland, and the Division Circle

iFundWomen Campaign: How we did

Erin Thompson

Since the completion of the iFundWomen campaign, we have remained hard at work here at ELT collective HQ. I have been humbled by the entire experience and your support has meant more than you know. Thank you to all of the individuals who shared, donated and supported me through this journey.
Although we did not reach our total funding goal of $10,000, much progress has been made in an effort to train and hire a skilled Nashville worker to assist in the creation of ELT collective handbags. Using the money raised, a sewing machine has been purchased to manufacture custom accessories. Be sure to stay tuned for more information coming soon! In addition to the sewing machine, we have donated much needed supplies for Catholic Charities/The Sewing Training Academy and talks are ongoing to fund select candidates for the STA program.
Through your continued support, these efforts mark great progress towards our overall campaign goal to create future jobs in Nashville!


ELT collective iFundWomen Campaign

Erin Thompson

Today is the day! Over the last year, I have worked tirelessly to develop a successful business model through the leadership and resources provided by The Nashville Fashion Alliance. I was selected to participate in a Kickstarter campaign initiative with iFundWomen – a platform for women-led businesses.

As a graduate of The Sewing Training Academy (a skill development source funded by Catholic Charities in Nashville), I met with people from all walks of life. The skills and experience gained helped me grow as a professional, but more importantly, as a person. As a supporter of local business, jobs and skill development, my goal with @iFundWomen contributions is to fund and to hire a Sewing Training Academy graduate as my first employee.

Check out my iFundWomen Campaign below!